CLAUDE HOOPER BUKOUSKI, no no, that's not me... eerrm, eeeek yeehaa,
I'm ( one breath ) Zohar Rashit ( altogether now.... ZOHAR RASHIT
So now I sound like some alcoholic...
Well, since none of you know me,
( well, nobody mentioned it in my guestbook yet)
Zohar in hebrew means 'Glory'. Rashit means 'First'. So translate my name, I guess
I'm : FIRST GLORY ??? ( yeah, some glory !!! )
Childhood & Puberty were quite traumatic years for me. I was unforgivably ugly (yes, things improved), educationaly
challenged (never finished high-school), had no friends (well there were some imaginary ones), unbelievably stupid
(no proof needed here) and always picked on, so I try deny I ever was a teenager. I am 35 now
and live in Israel (that's the place where bombs go off in the streets and resturaunts are blown up, and the Shekel devalues
by the minute ! ).
As a soldier, I think I spent more time changing bases than what I did serving the country. I guess they realised
that having me serve to long at one place would be a negative impact on my "Brothers In Arms".
What unemployment does to a guy ! To make ends meet I'm working as a video editer for Local TV magazine, fashion shows and weddings. One day I hope to re-take the exams and be a " Woman's Shoes Sales Man" like my
hero Al Bundy.
I also have a diving licence, but hardly ever used it. These days if you put me in water, I probably drown !
( glug, glug ,glug )
Chinese Chows - the official dog of the Rashit Family Homestead
for the past 27 years. They're pretty big, intellegent, loving , furry and very lazy !
For bigger pictures of the dog visit here
I am so bad in sports, its pathetic ! Still, I'm now in my best physical shape ever !
Not much of a clubber, but when I do go out, I certainly know how to clear the dance floor. Everyone within a six
feet radius keeps away ( to avoid getting hit ! ). This always allows my own delegation the freedom of space
in the club.
Not very mature for a 35 year old. Act as clueless as a 18 y/o, and horny as a 16 y/o ! If i had a brain,
it would probably be stuck up my ass...
My all time favourite group is undoubtably Duran Duran. The nearest runner up is Fleetwood
Mac. My current faves are Linkin Park and Justin Timberlake (actually anything by Timbaland)
My all time favourite TV show is ofcoarse "Married With Children". It's on every night, and I
STILL watch the re-runs. The nearest competitors are "The Simpsons" and "Futurama". For a long time"Malcolm
In The Middle", filled the void in my life affter the Budnys went off air.
I'm also a die-hard fan of " Eurovision Song Contest" and make the annual pilgrimige to the show every year.
Here is my prvious adventures in Helsinki 2007 on video ( pathetic, huh?)
Here's something frightening, Believe it or not, I used to be a pilot once ( really, visit my flying page). I gave up the thrill of scaring passengers for the torture of video editing.
My Tatoos...
Thumper, Bambi's Rabbit friend
Smurf, smoking a a joint.
Oh bless them.
I also got a cat, Nixon. One christmas day, he simply decided to move in, out of nowhere. He saw,
he liked, he conquored !
I also have an older brother (42) and sister (44). Both with Acedemic degrees working
in the high-tech indusrty, leaving me the only screw up in the family ! Even my niece is probably smarter than me !