1992 - Holiday in Sinai, damn beduines. Where are they when
you really need some good pot ?
1998 - I've been banned from singing in Karaoke clubs in Israel
and Southern Cyprus.
2000 - Summer in Cyprus.
Arie & Me looking down on the Island up-side-down from a Sling-Shot 300ft above.
2003 - F I N A L L Y learned to use a digi-cam !
2003 - Eurovision
Karaoke Party.
Johnny Logan would be rolling in his grave, had he know what I've done to "What's
Another Year" . Here are a few other contests on video.
2005 - Diary of a Eurovision
Attend every bloody rehearsal and party at the Eurovision week.
2005 - This actually appeared in a teen-magazine in Ukraine,
when I was camping out there for the Eurovision Song Contest.
2007 - I'm Gonna Push The Button
For more picture, go here....